Category: Cat Breeds

Overview of Cat Breeds

Over of Cat Breeds About 5000 years ago, cats were found firstly in a household in Egypt and were one of the last animals to be domesticated. Today the most popular household pets are cats and they outnumbering dogs by over two to one. Probably, Tabby was the earliest cat to be domesticated and they […]

An In Depth Look At Siamese Cats

An In Depth Look At Siamese Cats Hailing from the country of Thailand, Siamese cats are a very popular breed of cats and some live in royal palaces. In the past, they were trusted to keep away evil spirits from these palaces and even monasteries. People also believed the cats brought good fortune to the […]

The Amazing Cat Species

The Amazing Cat Species Truly cats are one of the amazing, loving and wonderful creatures to be around and it is for these reason we are not surprised to see them virtually in almost every household. Cats’ domestication first took place in the valley of Nile some 5000 years ago and they have really gained […]

A Look At Cat Breeds

A Look At Cat Breeds Cats have handled their breeding themselves for over a thousand years. Killing and hunting rodents was the primary use of cats to humans then. However, over the years, cats were bred to suit the taste of humans. Nowadays, there exist many breeds of cats, which with a close look, can […]

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