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Perfect Cat Box For Your Cat

Perfect Cat Box for Your Cat

By the end of this article, you sure most have gain a lot of new knowledge on the subject matter. Domesticated cats definitely need a litter box in which they go about their business and it is very important to get a litter box that really suits and meets the cats preferences, after all, it is for the cats usage. Even though the litter box is for the cat’s usage, the owner should also consider his budget and convenience in regards to choosing this litter boxes.

Choosing the perfect cat box for your cat is healthy for both your cat and the owner, it is important for the cat box to be appealing and comfortable to the cat. We assured the satisfaction of the cat is guaranteed.

Here are something’s to consider when finding the perfect cat box.

Size and Depth

The number of cats in the house will determine the ideal size and number of cat boxes to be made available. Cat boxes for kittens should be shallow and not more than 3 inches deep, while the adult boxes should be about 6 inches high. The normally prescribed area of the litter box is at least 24 inches in length or width.

Material of Box

It is advisable for cat box to be made heavy with durable plastic. These types are very simple in style, easy for cleaning and very inexpensive.

Ease of Cleaning

Basically, flat boxes are very easy to clean, all thanks to the design. This design is good and easy to clean but also, some times the cat will kick the box and you will need to be alert with your broom to clean incase this unexpected happens.

Covered boxes most time help reduce the stress of cleaning the floor after little tommy kicks his litter off. These boxes are made to prevent litter from falling off the box but are also very less ventilating and even become stinky.

Other boxes available in the stores are the self-cleaning boxes. The self-cleaning feature in box keeps it neat and clean but will still need some external cleaning from the owner. Once a while, the receptacle must be emptied because the sometimes the rake does not get to clean every bit of the cat’s waste, so, we need to clean them by ourselves.

Style and Features

There are various designs and style features for your cats litter box. The owner just needs to choose the one best convenient for you and your cat. Here is a list of some basic design you may want for your cat.

Basic flat box. This is a simple plastic rectangle pan, which are in different depth, size and colors. Most cats’ owners and their cats prefer this type of litter box.

Covered cat boxes or hooded litter boxes. This type has a hood feature which is added to the traditional rectangle type. This type has an opening in one end of the box which allows the cat to enter and exit with ease and convenience. Even though it provides the cat with much privacy, the problem most times, is that it gets stinky and very smelly because of its lack of ventilation. For this type, it is advisable to choose the one which is large enough to accommodate the cat, has some variants at the hood to help filter odor and can easily maneuvered for easy cleaning.

Designer boxes. This type of boxes disguised themselves as furniture or even a plant, and are also known as “hidden boxes”. This box does not only serve as the cat’s toilet, it also serves as a convenient room for the cat’s comfort. Try and get a bigger one for your cat comfort and also for great fell of ventilation.

Sifting boxes. This model is a 2 rectangular pans and trays which serve as a sifter. These types of litters are available and common in most stores.

Self-cleaning boxes. These types of boxes are connected with sensors which activates the self-cleaning some minutes after the cat finish using it. This cleaning machinery has an installed rake which scoops out the cats pee and poop into the waste receptacle. This mechanism still needs to be clean from time to time just to keep it neat and functioning properly.


The basic flat box is the cheapest of all the designs mentioned while the self-cleaning I definitely the most expensive of the above mentioned designs. The owner is left with the chose to choose depending on the allocated budget for this litter boxes.

Appealing to the Cat

Cats generally like the open box types, even though the covered boxes give them a lot more privacy which they love, cats fear of been trapped inside this covered boxes. Some finicky cats will find the automated self-cleaning cat litter boxes very comfy since they are clean and spacious, but the cat may psych out or panic due to machinery cleaning actions. Designer boxes are very attractive but also, owners should be aware of the fact cats like their privacy especially when it concerns pee and poops.

Finding the perfect litter box for your cat is never easy and may require some small experiments. Try the boxes one after the other if the pet does not like the box presented to him/her, then don’t try to force it just try to get the perfect one for the cat. Providing your cat with the perfect litter box can bring companion satisfaction and good health for you and your cat. We hope that this article has helping effect to your search for a perfect and suitable litter box for you cat.


Updated: June 1, 2018 — 11:37 pm

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