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Fish Oil for Cats

Fish Oil for Cats

Fish oil is oil extracted from cold water fish like trout, salmon, menhaden and cod. It provides essential fatty acids like alpha-linoleic acids (ALA), omega-6 fatty acids, gamma-linoleic acids, dihomo-gamma-linoleic acids, decosahexonoic acids (DPA) and eicosapentaenoic acids (EPA), omega-3 essential fatty acids and linoleic, which are just fantastic in maintaining the overall health of human beings as well as animals, by preventing several infections which may lead to inflammation of body parts.

Fish Oil Benefits for Cats

Fatty acids in cats as well as human beings, is a nutrient which is often lacking. This is so mainly due to the fact that cats like human beings depend on food and food supplements for fatty acids due to their inability to produce them themselves. Deficiency of fatty acids in cats is the cause of many health problems, to which luckily, fish oil is a solution.

Inflammation, if left untreated can lead to more severe health problems like arthritis, heart attack, high LDL cholesterol levels, and even premature death. Fish oil can be used to treat inflammations as well as prevent cancer, protect the whole vascular system, control yeast infections and skin allergies.

Cartilage degrading enzymes are also inhibited by fish oil, improving on the health of your cat and thus its survival rate. This enzyme inhibits brain function, regulation of blood supply and causes joint damage, thus it is safe to say fish oil is a life saver.

Required Amount

Many veterinarians recommend fish oil supplements due to their many amazing benefits. Although it is absorbed by the body system easily and has very positive effects, do not use it as an alternative treatment for your cats permanently as the effects may be adverse.

The amount of fish oil required by a vet is usually decided by a veterinary doctor, usually a 9-12 weeks course. This is dependent on the responsiveness of the cat and when it starts showing positive effects. The easiest way to introduce fish oil to your pet is through its food. You can cut the capsule and mix the contents in the cat’s food. Cats with regular fish diets may not require extra fish oil as they may already get enough fatty acids from their diet.

Before you give your cat fish oil, seek the vets’ advice and stick diligently to the dosage prescribed for your cat.

Updated: May 30, 2018 — 12:54 am

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